Experienced Product Packaging Design Agency in Toronto

New Deisgn Group specializes in elegant product design services that improves your brand image and communicates your product beautifully.

    Let’s talk about powering up your business.

    fru-V nutritious smoothies

    Blender ready fruit & veggie smoothies

    Product Design Keynotes:
    • We reflected the energy and excitement of smoothies into the product’s packaging
    • The main features of the smoothie mix were crucial when creating the packaging’s copy
    • The designs we created we made to be cohesive across a variety of products and multiple product lines so consumers can easily find the fru-V products
    • We made sure that the products were compliant with all the legislation in the Canadian market with English/ French translations


    Neceso tofu allergen-free cat litter
    Packaging Keynotes:
    • We aimed to ensure the main benefits were front and centre on the packaging design
    • We designed the packaging with a friendly & playful brand to connect with the target market
    • The design was built with a clean & minimal design that reflects the modern brand image
    • We methodically searched for an image of a cat that would draw your eyes toward the USPs of the product to direct your attention


    Our Brand Design Process

    We expect tangible business results to come from providing you with powerful brand design and clear communication.

    Understand > Synthesize > Create > Finalize > Deliver


    • 1. Understand

      We start with clarifying your goals and analyzing your brand equity, competition, and target market.

    • 2. Synthesize

      Using what we learn in the Understand phase, we populate the categories of our brand key. The brand key is designed to Synthesize our learnings in a way that leads us to the essence – the heart — of your brand.
      – It presents the interrelationships of various company, situational, and audience aspects.
      – It focuses our knowledge on the qualities and expectations of the new brand.
      – From this synthesis of information, the brand key yields a statement about the essence – the heart — of your brand.

    • 3. Create

      We’ve done our homework and we now know what we want to know about your company. At this stage we produce and present draft ideas and concepts. These materials are created and developed from our Understand and Synthesize stages. You see the first results of our efforts in storyboard fashion so you can judge
      how well the new identity design plays on a full line of collaterals, brochure samples, signage and promo products.

    • 4. Finalize

      All agreed upon materials and activities move into final form. Artwork, textual items, and digital resources are now on the final path to production. Every item receives detail additions and alterations as agreed on in the concept approvals discussion.

    • 5. Deliver

      Final files will be prepared for print and released after your approval to you and your product-packaging manufacturer.

    Arrange a meeting to discuss your branding today


    The benefits of unique and innovative packaging design

    1. Packaging design gets you seen 
    2. Communicates product features easily
    3. Strengthens the brand’s image
    4. Improves the functionality 
    5. Improves the social exposure with unboxing reviews


    View Some Of Our Recent Projects

    Check out some of our featured branding projects with our clients