
Google Confirms Fix To Search Indexing Problem

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A week after acknowledging an ongoing problem with Google Search indexing, the issue has been successfully resolved.

Initially, on February 1, Google acknowledged delays in indexing “a small number of sites” within its search engine. This acknowledgment followed complaints from numerous SEO professionals and web administrators who noticed their latest content was not being indexed promptly.

By Monday, February 5, Gary Illyes from Google Analytics provided an update, noting that resolving such issues could take a significant amount of time to ensure proper fixes. Illyes confirmed that while the problem had been “mitigated,” meaning its outward impact had been lessened, a thorough solution was still necessary.

As of February 8 at 3:36 am PST, the Google Search Status Dashboard confirmed the resolution of the indexing problem. Google’s statement reads: “We have addressed the indexing issue. No further updates are expected.”

The indexing issues began at approximately 3:30 pm PST on January 31. Since then, numerous website publishers, content creators, and news organizations have voiced concerns about difficulties in getting their recently published content indexed and displayed in Google search results.

Now that this issue has been resolved, publishers who encountered delays in content indexing and visibility on Google Search can breathe a sigh of relief, knowing that the problem has been rectified.

Google has not disclosed specific details regarding the cause of the problem. The company stated that its engineering teams conducted a thorough investigation to identify the root cause, aiming for a swift resolution, which they successfully achieved a week later.

Original news from SearchEngineJournal